Bluetooth Baseline Requirements Policy

1. Overview

 Bluetooth enabled devices are exploding on the Internet at an astonishing rate.  The range of connectivity has increased substantially.  Insecure Bluetooth connections can introduce several severe potential security issues.  Hence, there is a need for a minimum standard for connecting Bluetooth enable devices.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide a minimum baseline standard for connecting Bluetooth enabled devices to the eCuras network or eCuras owned devices.   The minimum standard intends to ensure sufficient personal identifiable information (PII) and confidential eCuras data.

3. Scope

This policy applies to any Bluetooth-enabled device connected to eCuras network or owned devices.

4. Policy

4.1 Version

No Bluetooth Device shall be deployed on eCuras equipment that does not meet a minimum of Bluetooth v2.1 specifications without written authorization from the Infosec Team.  Any Bluetooth equipment purchased before this policy must comply with all parts of this policy except the Bluetooth version specifications.

4.2 Pins and Pairing

When pairing your Bluetooth unit to your Bluetooth-enabled equipment (i.e., phone, laptop, etc.), ensure that you are not in a public area where your PIN can be compromised.

If your Bluetooth enabled equipment asks for you to enter your pin after you have initially paired it, you must immediately refuse the pairing request and report it to Infosec through your Help Desk. 

4.3 Device Security Settings

4.4 Security Audits

The Infosec Team may perform random audits to ensure compliance with this policy.  In the process of performing such audits, Infosec Team members shall not eavesdrop on any phone conversation.

4.5 Unauthorized Use

The following is a list of unauthorized uses of eCuras-owned Bluetooth devices:

4.6  User Responsibilities

5. Policy Compliance

5.1  Compliance Measurement

The Infosec Team will verify compliance to this policy through various methods, including but not limited to periodic walk-thrus, video monitoring, business tool reports, internal and external audits, and feedback to the policy owner.

5.2  Exceptions

The Infosec Team must approve any exception to the policy in advance.

5.3  Non-Compliance

An employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. 

Revised: March 14th, 2018

Table of Content

  1. Acceptable Encryption Policy
  2. Acceptable Use Policy
  3. Clean Desc Policy
  4. Data Breach Response Policy
  5. Disaster Recovery Plan Policy
  6. Digital Signature Acceptance Policy
  7. Email Policy
  8. Ethics Policy
  9. Pandemic Response Planning Policy
  10. Password Construction Guidelines
  11. Password Protection Policy
  12. Security Response Plan Policy
  13. End User Encryption Key Protection Policy
  14. Acquisition Assessment Policy
  15. Bluetooth Baseline Requirements Policy
  16. Remote Access Policy
  17. Remote Access Tools Policy
  18. Router and Switch Security Policy
  19. Wireless Communication Policy
  20. Wireless Communication Standard
  21. Database Credentials Policy
  22. Technology Equipment Disposal Policy
  23. Information Logging Standard
  24. Lab Security Policy
  25. Server Security Policy 
  26. Software Installation Policy
  27. Workstation Security (For HIPAA) Policy
  28. Web Application Security Policy
  29.  Analog/ISDN Line Security Policy
  30. Anti-Virus Guidelines
  31. Server Audit Policy
  32. Automatically Forwarded Email Policy
  33. Communications Equipment Policy
  34. Dial In Access Policy
  35. Extranet Policy
  36. Internet DMZ Equipment Policy
  37. Internet Usage Policy
  38. Mobile Device Encryption Policy
  39. Personal Communication Devices and Voicemail Policy
  40. Removable Media Policy
  41. Risk Assessment Policy
  42. Server Malware Protection Policy
  43. Social Engineering Awareness Policy
  44. DMZ Lab Security Policy
  45. Email Retention Policy
  46. Employee Internet Use Monitoring and Filtering Policy
  47. Lab Anti Virus Policy
  48. Mobile Employee Endpoint Responsibility Policy
  49. Remote Access Mobile Computing Storage
  50. Virtual Private Network Policy