We hope this series has been helpful. This is just the beginning. Like Digital Design, this document is a journey, not a destination. We will continue to expand and enhance this document in the future.
Quality assurance isn’t a popular topic of conversation, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a worthwhile discussion here. It is typically where the rubber meets the road.
A grid is a formatting structure composed of a series of lines that divide a page into columns and/or modules. These lines enable a designer to arrange the contents of a page into an equally proportioned manner.
References are the perfect means to gauge the taste and expectations of your clients. Everyone wants their website to be unique and to stand out from the rest but it can be difficult to express exactly what their vision is.
Typography is the bread and butter that ties together each of the visual aspects for a clean, professional, dynamic-looking interface. It is what adds the extra polish to give your interface the sharp, sophisticated touch.
Websites today come in all shapes and sizes. It can be hard to pinpoint which is best for you based on the features you require.
In this section, we outline the complete workflow from start to end, including the technical description for each step involved in the production of a Digital Design interface.
Our next order of business: terminology. If you don’t understand the terms you’ll never understand the process.
eCuras, the leading Digital Agency introduces “The Digital Design Doctrine” a comprehensive handbook outlining all aspects of the Digital Design process.